Donate now

Help us save the rainforest and change the world.

Save your rainforest

As a forest sponsor you can donate monthly for the rainforest and protect your own piece of rainforest permanently or you can help us in the fight for the rainforest with a one-time donation. Our donation options are: Direct Debit, Standing Order, Bank Transfer and Paypal. The online donation makes it easy for you to save the rainforest.

Become a forest sponsor now Donate once now

Forwarding to KD-Bank

Donate online and save a piece of rainforest - very easily, quickly and securely via our online donation service from the Bank for Church and Diakonie.
Information on data protection for a donation can be found here.

Donate to KD Bank now

CO2- und Waldrechner

Saved rainforest in ha
2 ha

This calculator will help you determine the amount of your monthly donation to offset your emitted CO2.

Donation account of Mein Regenwald

Account holder: Chance e.V.
IBAN: DE92 3506 0190 1014 4450 10
Purpose: „8340 / Rainforest“

All donations are tax deductible and 100 percent of your donations go to the rainforest project. There is no administration fee.